That Gets You Viral Traffic, More Leads & Higher Affiliate Income!!

If You Want An Awesome Way Of Creating Income Online With Zero percent Risk, Creating A MicroBuzz Viral Site Is The Way To Go!

Before I tell you why it is the best way to generate Income online, Let me explain what is a MicroBuzz site, MicroBuzz sites are a group of web pages that focuses on a specific Niche. These sites have interactive elements that are Viral in Nature. MicroBuzz sites are used to generate leads & Monetize using Affiliate offers & Ads.
Retainio is a MicroBuzz Site builder that Attracts Viral Traffic and generates Leads & Sales With Very Little Effort!
With Retainio, You Can Publish An Entire Network of MicroBuzz Viral Type Sites With Minimal Effort.

Click Here For Retainio Details

Worlds First Microbuzz Site Builder - Retainio
Worlds First Microbuzz Site Builder - Retainio

You can create your Viral Posts in just 3 steps, MicroBuzz site creation - choosing your domain/URL Customize and add interactive elements Set up lead capture, add monetization options & then Publish. Now share and watch the traffic roll in!

how can i add the video to my site?

You can import the videos from Youtube and Vimeo using the keyword or use embed code to import the video and You can add the images from your computer or you can get from the other sites like Pexels, Pixabay, Gify, Web and Youzign

how many sites can we create with the basic retainio?

You can create 1 site & 50 campaigns in the Personal version You can create 5 sites & 500 campaigns in the Commercial version

Can we have our own URL?

Yes, you CName map the domain, so that you can get your own domain instead of the default one you can also add the tracking/analytics code to your site so that you can track all your MicroBuzz site visitors

Can we add the auto responder?

Yes, you can add your autoresponder using API key, if it listed
If not, use the HTML form code to integrate your Autoresponder to Retainio

How can I differentiate the post?

By default, you can get 4 categories, Latest, Popular, Hot and Trending
You can add your posts to any these categories
So that your posts will be categorized with these titles

Can anybody get result with retainio?

The proofs Retainio have shared on the page above uses a similar concept like Retainio. We have done an extensive research and we have included the best elements inside Retainio to maximize your results.

Worlds First Microbuzz Site Builder - Retainio

The best part is you can get started instantly with no learning curve.

What are all elements we can add with retainio?
You can add, Video, Polls, Conversation, Gallery, Quotes, Lists, Swiper, Paragraph and Call to action.

Worlds First Microbuzz Site Builder - Retainio money making elements -

1. Money Making Element - VIDEO
In a few clicks, you can add videos in any Niche to your MicroBuzz site by simply searching on YouTube or Vimeo and adding them.

2. Money Making Element - POLLS

Create these to get visitors to interact with your site. People love to be included in the conversations and polls are a great way to give them a voice.

3. Money Making Element - CONVO

Simulate a messenger or text style conversation between multiple parties with this option. Allows you to add members, images, and more. Great for giving your visitors a way to ‘eavesdrop’ on whatever text you want to display on your site while pushing them towards any offer you want.

4. Money Making Element - GALLERY

Allows you to put together multiple slideshows that draw your visitor’s attention in like a moth to a flame. You can also use this as a great way to create the types of posts that give a top number of some sort. Such as the popular posts that you see online like “10 Celebrity Homes That You Have To See”

5. Money Making Element - QUOTES

Add a bit of flair to your sites with this option. Search for and include quotes by famous people or you can create your own as well!

6. Money Making Element - LISTS

Create more helpful, useful posts that allow you to connect with the reader and offer true value. Or you can use it to base around any niche or topic such as celebrities, sports figures, or more!

You can use these lists to create catchy viral content that attracts tons of viewers while using the same content to earn amazing affiliate income from Amazon!

7. Money Making Element - SWIPER

You know how people are always swiping on their phones and mobile devices? Well now they’ll be able to do the same with your posts you’ve created with Retainio too!
Now if you think this isn’t a big deal, you’re completely WRONG!
See, people are now trained by sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others to swipe and scroll through content. By doing so, they stay ENGAGED on that site for longer periods of time.
By tapping into these same pre-programmed behavioral habits, you will be able to have visitors stick to your site as well. This means less bounce rates and more opportunities to earn income from Amazon affiliate products and more!

8. Moneyy Making Element - ARAGRAPH

You’ll also see that you get a full fledged text editor that helps you design your content just the way you want. Change font size, select various fonts, bold, italicize, select text color, and even add emoticons.

However you want your posts to look, you can format them perfectly with this option in Retainio.

9. Money Making Element  - Call To Action

Drive visitors to your offers & convert them to buyers using call to action buttons!

Click Here For Retainio Details